Pioneer DJM-800 Limited Edition
Since the wide availability of blue LEDs everyone wants those cool blue colored lighting buttons in his gear. It was for me the first thing I saw on the Pioneer DVJs and also the first I saw at the VU meters of the SVM-1000 which look amazing.
I was hoping and also expecting that Pioneer would place them on the DJM-2000 but they didn’t. I think they keep the blue stuff for their video product line. Although there is now a DJM-800 Limited Edition…

To be more specific, there is exactly one DJM-800 Limited Edition. So that is a really Limited Edition, not like the Reloop Limited stuff. DJ Kiki and someone with very good solder skills changed almost all LEDs in his DJM-800 giving it the look of the SVM-1000. It took him a lot of time to find LEDs with the correct size, color, angle and brightness while at the same time being electronically compatible. But the result is definitely beautiful.
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