Mashups on Soundcloud

As of today my mashups and mixes are available on SoundCloud. This community site makes it very easy for both composers and listeners to exchange music.
YouTube Distorted

Today I discovered that my YouTube mashups Ida Engberg VS. Shannon – Let the disco volante music play sounded distorted.
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Website Layout

With a lot of hard work and passion is here the final website layout. With many thanks to Stefanie Spoormans for the graphical design and branding. If you are experiencing issues with the website than please send an e-mail to with a description (and screenshot) of the issue.
RSS Feeds
YouTube Channel

Mashups of DJ House Container are now also available on DJ House Container’s YouTube Channel. A dedicated channel that contains my Mashups.
Website Online
Not everything is finished yet, but we are already online. The implementation of the website lay-out is taking up a lot of time, but that doesn’t prevent the first mashup from being published.