New Website
The website is running already for some time and the number of visitors is increasing every day. Recently I’ve seen spikes of over 150 visitors a day. So it was time for a new critical look at the lay-out and structure of the website.

I’ve updated the website with a new template that I’ve been working on in the background. It should look more relaxed because of the improved contrast and over all improved readability. It gives also less blank space on wide screen monitors, since the new background is screen filling for monitors up to full HD resolution. The new template should allow the website to run faster, but at this moment the biggest delay is still at the provider side. I’m thinking about changing the hosting to get a better web experience. What also has been done with the new website is a complete check of all content. I finished the translation of the content which now is completely in English, and yes that was a lot of work.

I will post more information on other improvements the coming time. Enjoy the new lay-out and keep a close eye on the website for more changes that are about to happen.
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