Posts Tagged ‘Acapella’
Missy Elliott – 4 My People
Wildchild – Renegade Master

Back once again…
I think everyone knows what comes next. It are the famous words of the classic track Renegade Master that got remixed by Fatboy Slim and an endless list of other artists. I even have a great bootleg remix on Vinyl of it. But even the acapella alone has even become famous enough to make it to the CD map of every self respecting DJ.
Kelis – Acapella
Bart Simpson – Do the Bartman

This month’s acapella is going to be a very simple but famous acapella, since everybody knows the Simpsons. The song Do the Bartman was part of the Simpsons album that was released in 1990. I didn’t have the numbers sharp but it seems that the single hit a lot of number 1 spots in the charts all around the world. In the Netherlands it got as close as number 3.